Visiting Scholar Program
The Visiting Scholar program brings noted Biblical and theological scholars to Rumple each year for a two-day in-person event in the fall and a remote presentation in the spring.
Our visiting scholars often challenge us in ways that lead to changes within ourselves as individuals and as a church. We have even seen our visiting scholars inspire new outreach efforts. For example, Dr. Norman Wirzba’s pre-pandemic visit led to a new Creation Care group at our church.
While the Visiting Scholars program is part of Rumple’s focus on education, we have found it can influence all that our church does. See how this program speaks to Rumple’s four cornerstones of mission, education, community, and worship.
The Visiting Scholar Committee first convened in 2016 and was ably led by Dr. Don Saunders who hoped our scholars would not only add to our Biblical and theological knowledge but would help us to deepen our faith and extend our love and service to others in the community. See below a list of our past scholars:
2024: Rev Dr. Jason Byassee
Senior Minister of the Timothy Eaton Memorial Church
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Topics: The nature of kingship, prayer and revitalizing the traditional church
2023: Dr. Brennan Breed
Prof of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary
Topic: Study of the biblical theme of covenant
2022: Dr. Gregory Ellison
Associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling at Candler School of Theology
Note: A last minute conflict prevented Dr. Ellison from being at Rumple
2021: Dr. James Calvin Davis
George Adams Ellis Professor of Liberal Arts and Professor of Religion at Middlebury College
Topic: Finding theological meaning in the holy days of US culture
2020: Rev Dr. Christine Roy Yoder
J. McDowell Richards Professor of Biblical Interpretation at Columbia Theological Seminary
Topic: Wisdom literature and Book of Ruth
2019: Dr. Norman Wirzba
Gilbert T. Rowe Distinguished Professor of Christian Theology at Duke Divinity School
Topic: Sabbath and Creation
2018: Dr. Brent Strawn
Professor of Old Testament at Duke Divinity School
Topic: Decline in the study of the Old Testament
Watch Previous Visiting Scholars Online
One positive outcome of the pandemic is that we now record our visiting scholars. You can watch a variety of recent visiting scholars and other guest speakers on our YouTube channel.
These events are open to the public, and we would love for you to join us! To learn more, please contact the church office.