Ongoing Missions Ministries

Local Missions

Angel Tree is a Rumple tradition during the Christmas season to help make Christmas brighter for local families. Some years we purchase gifts for children, and other years, we provide gift cards. Look for announcements in November’s bulletins and newsletters for more details about each year’s project.

Each August, Rumple provides school supplies to Watauga County’s Back 2 School Festival. Look for announcements each July/August about the supplies Rumple will collect for the festival.

Blowing Rock Cares is a food pantry housed at Rumple that helps provide food to families and individuals in Watauga County. The pantry is open on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Look for announcements about specific needs each month. We have a cart outside of Rumple’s back doors where you can leave non-perishable donations. 

Each Christmas, Rumple provides grocery cards, other gift cards, and stockings for elderly residents in our community.

During the summer months, Rumple participates in Food 4 Families, a program Blowing Rock Cares coordinates with Blowing Rock School to provide food for food-insecure families.

Rumple is a Habitat for Humanity Covenant Church, supporting Watauga Habitat for Humanity with our prayers, financial contributions, and volunteer work crews. Contact us to learn how you can help.

Hospitality House is a regional nonprofit transitional housing facility and crisis assistance resource center. It provides housing, homelessness prevention, and nutrition services across seven western NC counties. Rumple provides a meal once a month to Hospitality House. Contact us to learn how you can help.

PECM at Appalachian State University gathers every week during the academic year to share a meal and engage in a variety of programs, such as service, worship, movable feasts, and discussions concerning spirituality, scripture, and justice. Rumple supports PECM in a number of ways, including:

  • Volunteering as listeners at the Listening Post, which meets on campus and is a place for App State students, faculty, and staff to talk and be heard.
  • Providing or hosting meals for PECM participants.
  • Serving on the campus ministry board.

To learn more about PECM, email Stephanie Hankins.

Regional Missions

Join us on the last Sunday of each month, and you’ll see our children collecting pennies (and other donations) for Pennies for Hunger, a program of all of the churches in Salem Presbytery to feed the hungry. Locally, Hospitality House and Blowing Rock Cares receive grants through the Pennies for Hunger program.

Global Missions

Rumple is committed to actions that care for God’s beautiful creation, here in the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains and beyond. In 2022, we became a certified Earth Care Congregation, and we received annual recertification every year since. We partner with Presbyterians for Earth Care and Creation Care Alliance for the work we do.

Some of our yearly activities include celebrating a Creation Care Sunday, incorporating creation care into our children and youth activities when possible, and hosting a “dinner and a movie” night. We are partnering with St. Mary of the Hills to install an outdoor Stations of the Cross program on both campuses. We also have a hiking group that meets quarterly for mostly easy, local hikes. Email our Creation Care committee to learn more about how you can get involved in creation care activities at Rumple.

Rumple coordinates with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to provide supplies and financial support for those affected by disasters. As these needs arise, look for announcements from Rumple about how you can help.

Want to get involved with Rumple Missions?

We welcome your time and talents to strengthen Rumple’s work as a faithful body of Christ. Please contact us if you’d like to get involved with missions at Rumple.