Children’s Ministry

Our children’s ministry is a growing and exciting part of Rumple.

In addition to a time with the children at each Sunday service and a nursery for newborns through age five during church, we offer several programs throughout the year to help engage children in fun and educational activities and encourage them to think of Rumple as a fun place where they can learn and ask questions about faith.

Wednesday After-School Program

Every Wednesday through the school year, we host K-5 students for our Wednesday After-School program. The children enjoy a variety of activities, including Bible study, choir, snacks, art, and games. Learn more about how you and your children can get involved with the program. Click here to register for 2024-2025 school year.

Family Nights

From time to time throughout the year, Rumple families get together for a time of food, fun, and fellowship on Sunday evenings. These nights are typically low-key gatherings and may have a theme depending on the time of year. In February, Family Night was a pancake dinner ala Shrove Tuesday and masks were made for Mardi Gras. They also learned more about the meaning of Lent. The youth pitch in to help with the cooking, and the children love spending time with them!

Vacation Bible School

Our Vacation Bible School is a popular summertime activity, usually in June right after school lets out for the year. Rumple’s VBS program consists of a themed curriculum with Bible stories, art, and games. We always need lots of youth and adult helpers to pull off a successful VBS, and it’s a fun time for adults and children alike. Learn more about our VBS program.

Holidays & Special Events

At the beginning of each school year, we have a Blessing of the Backpacks Sunday. The children bring in their backpacks to church to have them blessed for the year. During Advent and the Christmas season, Rumple’s children have lots of opportunities to learn and have fun: Rumple’s float during Blowing Rock’s Christmas parade, special singing opportunities at church and in the community, helping decorate Rumple’s Chrismon tree, and much more.

To learn how you and your children can get involved with Rumple’s children’s ministry, please email us.