Rumple Staff Update

From Parish Associate, Ken Broman-Fulks

Dear friends, It is with a great deal of appreciation and sadness that I write this to you. I came to Rumple a year ago fully expecting us to be together for a long time, and so, in many ways, my departure after just one year feels quite abrupt and premature. However, I have found that trying to be involved in the amazing ministry of this congregation while living a hundred miles away is just too difficult. The preparation, both mental and physical, to take a few days away from home every other week has been more taxing than I thought it would be, and, as I continue to discover in new and manifold ways, I’m not as young as I once was! In addition, our 14 grandkids are getting older and more involved in all kinds of activities that Suzette and I both want to enjoy. After all, that is the main reason I retired three years ago! Nowadays so many activities are on the weekend and, yes, on Sundays, so I’m missing too many of those special moments. I want to offer a word of deep thanks to all of you who have so warmly welcomed us to Rumple. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you and minister together! You really are an extraordinary group of people with great love for the Lord, one another, and the world. Suzette and I have said many times that if we lived closer, Rumple would be our regular church home. Thank you, as well, to the great staff here! What a joy to have been able to be enriched by such talented and devoted people! Most of all, a huge word of appreciation to Kathy for thinking of me for the position of Parish Associate to begin with, and for immediately making me feel like part of the family. We were friends before this past year but that friendship has grown so much from working together. My respect for her was immense before, but now it is immeasurably more so! I do not have to tell you what a true blessing from God you have in Kathy! This is not the end of our relationship with Rumple. We will visit when we are up this way and I’ve made Kathy promise to invite me to preach when she needs a substitute! Additionally, I look forward to continuing to make the occasional video for various occasions, so I’ll still be around with my cameras! I am grateful to God for the joy and blessing I’ve received in being part of the Rumple family this past year. I will thank God for you every time I think of the High Country and the beautiful town of Blowing Rock!

In Christ’s love,
Ken Broman-Fulks

Ken Broman-Fulks’ final Sunday at Rumple will be August 27. Join in thanking him after the 11:00 service at a reception in his honor.