Fresco Ministry

While the Ben Long Frescoes are not yet installed in our space, there is much work being done to prepare an amazing Gathering Space in our Education Building. Construction is moving forward, and we will announce an opening date to our community when that is finalized.

To prepare for visitors that will come to our space, we are developing a docent program. Docents are volunteers who will act as a guide within our space to tell about the frescos and help people connect with the artwork and Rumple’s fresco ministry. Docents will be trained and provided with information to share with visitors. They will offer commentary and answer questions.

You do not have to be a member of Rumple to be a docent! If you are interested in joining this program, we invite you to fill out this Breeze form or call the church office and a member of the Fresco Ministry Committee will be in touch. Volunteers can offer as as little or as much time as they can share. We expect the experience to be rewarding, and fun too!

To learn more about the Fresco Ministry, watch the video below that was created when we first purchased them.