How to help the High Country in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene


We know that this recovery is a long haul process, and we have volunteers on the ground who are assessing our community needs as things update. THE BEST WAY THAT YOU CAN HELP THE COMMUNITY RIGHT NOW IS MAKING MONETARY DONATIONS. You can donate online to Rumple Church’s Hurricane Recovery Fund here.

As material goods pour into the High Country, we are trying our best to keep up with current needs in the community. Many places are not able to accept material donations at this time because their space is full. If you are wanting to donate specific items, please call and get an updated list from a specific agency. CLICK HERE TO SEE A CURRENT LIST OF THE AGENCIES WHO HAVE IMMEDIATE NEEDS IN WATAUGA, AVERY AND ASHE COUNTIES. This list will be updated as often as possible, as the needs within the High Country are extensive and constantly changing.

You may also donate directly to any of the incredible local organizations that are providing resources within the High Country listed here.