Advent Reimagined: Spend Less, Give More Challenge

As a part of Advent Reimagined, we are all invited to spend less and give more this Advent and Christmas. The Missions Committee invites us all to consider a gift to Rumple’s Hurricane Helene Recovery Fund as a part of our “giving more” this year. Instead of buying family and friends gifts they may not need, consider helping our neighbors whose homes and lives are being rebuilt. Our challenge goal is $10,000 for the Advent season. Look for the Rumple logo that will be colored in with each $1000 raised.

Lindsey Eaton, Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries introduces our theme of Advent Reimagined  in the video below.

To view the calendar of Advent events, click here.

Special thanks to the team of Advent Conspiracy who created the curriculum and resources we will use for Advent this year.