40 Days of Lent
Lent is the season in the church year in which we, as the community of Christians, prepare, through prayer and penance, for the renewing of our baptismal promises at the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter. This season and this service helps to prepare us for resurrection! Our Lenten journey to Easter and beyond begins with Ash Wednesday’s tracing of a cross with ashes on our foreheads or our hand. In this symbolic action we face our mortality, recognize our need for God the author and sustainer of all things, and look forward to personal and communal renewal at Easter.
Daily lent devotions available in print or by email
These will be available daily, online beginning Feb. 22 or you can pick up a printed copy in the office. Editor Teri McDowell’s series Examen: Inward Work for Outward Living explores the ancient spiritual practice of examen focusing on honest assessment and reflection. You will be invited to explore the connection between internal contemplation and outward action.
Cantata for Holy Week
The service for Palm Sunday, April 2nd, will begin this year with the traditional procession of Palms celebrating Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem. Following the traditional liturgy for the day, the service will end with a turn toward Holy Week. The Adult Choir and guest instrumentalists will present a cantata by Lee and Susan Dengler, entitled, “When Darkness Comes.” The work brings the message of Christ’s sacrifice and moves through the complex emotions of Holy Week. Come as we worship together with a sense of reflection and renewal.
This Lent, the Rumple Missions Committee invites you to help furnish a house
For a refugee family in the triad area. There are three was to help:
- Purchase items from this Amazon registry Amazon.com. Items will be shipped directly to World Relief Triad.
- Make a donation. Checks may be made out to the church with “refugee” on the memo line, online and cash donation should be specified for “refugee”.
- Donate new or gently used furniture. We will have a collection point on April 14th or schedule a pick-up at your home on April 14th. Contact Misty Mayfield for more information.
Furniture needed:
Dressers, Kitchen/Dining tables w/chairs, Love seats, Arm chairs, Couches (no sleepers; 7 ft. maximum length), Coffee tables, Nightstands/end tables, Lamps. We cannot accept any items not listed here. All donations will be used in homes for refugees being resettled through World Relief Triad Resettlement which serves High Point, Winston Salem, and Greensboro.
One great hour of sharing
For over 70 years, Presbyterians have made special donations to OGHS during Lent. In fact. OGHS is the single, largest way that Presbyterians come together to work for a better world. This fund helps to improve the lives of people in challenging situations with disaster assistance, hunger programs, and individual community development programs. Gifts can be made anytime by specifying OGHS on donations and envelopes will be available in the pews on Easter Sunday.
40 days of Lent calendar created by the Creation Care Committee