Lent 2025: Following Jesus Beyond the Wilderness
In Worship on Sunday mornings during Lent, the sermons will explore stories of the ministry of Jesus in the
wilderness and beyond. Jesus was sent into the wilderness after his baptism but remained there only a short time. The rest of his earthly ministry was spent out among people, healing, teaching, and transforming people and places. We’ll explore what Jesus did as we travel with him beyond the wilderness and on the way to Jerusalem.
Ash Wednesday, March 6, marks the beginning of Lent. Rumple invites you to attend one of four short worship services: 8:15 a.m., 12:15, 4:15, and 5:15 p.m. All services are in the sanctuary and will include the imposition of ashes and an invitation to intentional spiritual practices during Lent. The 12:15 p.m. service will be live-streamed.
To view Rumple’s entire Lent 2025 schedule, please click here.